Saturday, July 31, 2010


  1. No only presenting your action research plan in a slide show format was an awesome idea, the content is very detailed and focused. I will definitely follow up with you to see the outcome of your research...and, can I copy your slide show idea for when I revise my plan? I will give you full credit for it! :-)
    My blog is:

  2. I have been very curious about your action research project after reading about it on the discussion board. I had not heard of PBIS before then. I visited the PBIS website after learning about it from your power point. It looks very interesting and I'm anxious to learn more from your research. Your plan is very well written and easy to follow. If all the teachers are following the program, I don't see how it can fail. What a lifelong affect learning positive behavior will have on your students that need it most. Thank you!
