Friday, July 23, 2010

Reflection of Action Research

The following is a response to the video lection of Dr. Timothy Chargois, Director of Research, Planning and Development in Beaumont ISD

•Action research topic: I found Dr. Chargois’s action research project to be quite informative especially in his field of conducting research at the district level. The action research topic he presented was in response to an article on effective and ineffective teachers and the impact it has on student achievement. Therefore research was done to address, “What are teachers doing that show the ethical response towards students and their achievement?”

•Suggestion or purpose described for conducting action research: The purpose of this particular research project was to compile a source of quantitative data that would allow them to make better decisions and changes about the instruction performance of their classroom teachers. Also, he noted that action research was important in his district because it allowed them to look at data from various sources, prepare teachers to conduct their own research within their classrooms, and to make changes now so they didn’t have problems in the future.

•Reflection: Listening to Dr. Chargois’s viewpoint on action research was an enriching moment in my understanding the benefits of conducting action research. I was much more eager to participate in my own action research project because I now understand the benefits of what my research can do not only for my classroom, but for teachers, my school campus, the school district, as well as others who can benefit. If we keep in mind that action research is designed to allow us to better improve and increase student performance, then we recognize that action research is a must. It’s not just about learning, but about implementing what we know will work based upon the analyzing the data we have.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Educational Leaders Use of Blogging

Blogging for the educator provides an opportunity to share their experiences and expertise in dealing with educational issues. As well, the educator is able to create a network of individuals that collaborate on their best practices, give advice, provide resources, and share what is working or not working within their school organizations. Thus, the educational leader benefits greatly in that they are more aware to reflect upon their role as a educator and share their experiences with others to promote peer induced learning.

The Use of Action Research:

Becoming an administrative leader seems to be a dounting task when you think about the many hats you must were in order to get the job done. Even still, with every effort made, you might find that some things may not turn out the way you anticipated due to lack of resources, personnel, and or appropriate research. However, implementing an action research process into you daily task, will untimately save you a lot of let down and unanswered questions.
Action research is a process by which one is able to gain insights into the a wondering by collecting data to, analyzing data, making improvements in practice based on what was learned, and sharing learning with others (Dana, 2009). Thus the administrative leader is able to make a more rationalized decision when implimenting school-wide change, evaluating the effectiveness of academic intervention programs, and utilizing all available resources in the most effective and efficient manner.
As a result, I have learned that the decision making and evaluation process I must employ daily in order to become an effective principal must utilize some form of action research. I have also learned that through accurate researching strategies and use of expert practitioners, I too can demonstrate to others inside as well as outside; how to take the necessary steps in ensuring that I recognize and am involved in my campus on a level that is beneficial to the success of my school organization and ultimately student successes.

Friday, December 18, 2009


What outcomes had you envisioned for this course? Did you achieve those outcomes? Did the actual course outcomes align with those that you envisioned?

Upon beginning this course, I began to become very apprehensive about the course content. I’m not the most technology savvy person; however I am fully aware about the advantages technology presents within the education of students. My main concern was being able to comprehend the core content while demonstrating my knowledge of the connection of technology within education. I must say that I knew more than I thought, but taking this course helped to expose the terminology, theories, and progressive movement of technology. I truly had a joy in what I was learning and I was able to make a connection with the application of technology within my own classroom and I was further able to apply what I had learned with my own students. As a result, I have obtained not only knowledge about technology, but practical skills that have laid the foundation towards my future in establishing technology infused instructional techniques and practices.

To the extent that you achieved the outcomes, are they still relevant to the work that you do in your school? Why or why not?

The knowledge and skills that I have acquired as a result of this course are still relevant in the work I am currently doing in my home school. Recently, I took the opportunity to show my third grade students my blog page. They were very excited and wanted to create their own. I even showed them how to create a PowerPoint, and many of the students have started creating PowerPoint during their station time. I was shocked to see how fast they picked up the directions. It was so amazing to see them turn their interest of technology into learning. Even though they are only eight to nine years old, they are able to take the technology and apply it to their own learning level. So the content that I have gained in this course is very relevant because I have applied it to my own instructional practices within my classroom environment.

What outcomes did you not achieve? What prevented you from achieving them?

My most challenging concept of this class was full acceptance of a technology integrated classroom. I agree that technology should be incorporated within the classroom at the application level, but I also believe that students should still continue to learn in a traditional way. I think that technology should be a component of learning, but it seemed as though many theorist believed that classrooms should be driven by technology. In this I disagree. I know that students can not continue to learn the way I did 10 years ago, but as an educator, I do believe that their should be a balance between the old style of teaching and a technology driven classroom. Many skills that students need to master must first come from a traditional way of learning, but technology can lead to the exploration of connecting ideas. I believe that students must gain an education foundation that would foster a desire to apply and extend what they have learned. For me technology like the internet is too much of an ambiguous realm. If explored by an individual lacking a sound foundation of core skills, they will forever be wrapped into the many conflicting and confusing views in cyber space.

Were you successful in carrying out the course assignments? If not, what prevented or discouraged you?

The course assignments were very difficult to complete. I was successful in that I was able to finish them, but I felt that many of the assignment task guidelines were a little vague. I also was not experienced with many of the assignment task and it took me a while to explore, which took more time to complete the assignments. However, I believe that I was able to be successful because of my willingness to learn and try new techniques. I learned that I was capable of accomplishing a lot once I made up my mind to do it. I also used my knowledge of classroom teaching and the practical aspects of incorporating technology to help guide me along the way. Also the video lectures helped to explain many of the new concepts I was learning so that I could apply them within my course assignment requirements. Overall, I stayed the course and gave it my best and I was able to get through the tough moments.

What did you learn from this course…about yourself, your technology and leadership skills, and your attitudes?

-What I learned about this course:

I learned that technology is an important component of a student’s ability to learn, retain, extend, and demonstrate what they know. Many students enjoy technology and are able to use the technology to help them learn in a more meaningful way. I also learned that as an educator, it is my duty to make sure that my students are able to use technology as a form of communication with their peers and that they develop the necessary skills to use technology in an appropriate and accurate manner.

-What I learned myself:

I learned that I was able to share my technology skills with my students to help them express their learning in a meaningful way. I also gained the necessary confidence to apply what I have learned with my students and I am able to generate ideas about the incorporation of technology within my own instructional practices.

-What I learned technology skills:

Technology skills are not difficult to obtain, but one must have a desire to obtain the skills necessary to master the optimal use of technology. Many sites have created tutorials and support groups to help others to become technology advanced. I come to understand that the skills you build in technology will help you to effectively communicate with and inspire so many more than you ever could with just words. Technology has the ability to transcend through time and inspire thought invoking ideas within all who come into contact with it.

-What I learned leadership skills:

As a future leader, technology must be apart of the skills I use to help build others. I must not only establish a working relationship with technology, but I must also inspire others to use technology so that we all may advance in the education new offer to the students we have the ability to reach and educate.

What is the educational value of blogs and blogging to the 21st century learner? What are the concerns of blogs and blogging in education?

The educational value of blogs and blogging is that it helps those who want to convey and idea to reach many, and those who seek knowledge to learn and develop their own ideas. Blogging allows for a level of communication that has never existed before in that an audience is formed by like minded individuals who want to share and communicate with one another. As well, the art of communicating is explored and perfected.

Blogs and blogging in education is that it can be hard to manage in education. Many educators don’t have experience with blogs and are unable to accurately determine if students are using the technology in an ethical manner. What must be established are a set of ethical standards so that students are able to learn and display their knowledge in a meaningful way. Educators have the responsibility to make sure that with any technology tool, that students understand the importance of using it in a meaningful manner that would enhance their learning. As well, students must also understand the value of communication to inspire them in being able to develop their ideas and to connect the knowledge they already posses with their fellow peers.

How can you use blogging to communicate with school stakeholders?

In communicating with school stakeholders, their first must be a relationship that is established in the best interest of the students. However, many people of the community are not involved in the school’s decision making due to not being able to show up for meetings or commit to being physically involved on a continuous basis.

Blogging allows for communication to transcend across a physical setting. The school is able to post their ideas and or projects, and school stakeholders can respond in an efficient manner based upon following the blog. Also, stakeholders are made to feel valued and apart of the school culture because they are able to communicate and allow their voice to be heard within school procedures and policies. Therefore blogging allows for a successful communication link between the school and all those who are willing to help to make sure that the students are receiving all that they need to learn and accomplish academically.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Action Plan: Part 2

Reference analysis and lessons learned about the technology needs from the Week 3 report:

As a result of the Week 3 report on our campus technology needs, we have able to identify the areas in which we need to address. We have come to an understanding that our staff members need to be provided with more technology professional development opportunities. We also discovered that our students are not able to utilize all of the technology resources provided by the school district due to lack of knowledge about how to incorporate its uses within the classroom, as well as the teacher’s ability to display accurate knowledge of technology implementation. As well, we have discovered a need for incorporating technology for student achievement. We have found that technology intervention has helped many of our students to achieve learning goals independently and at a successful learning rate.

Likewise, we also found that there is a lack of support for our teaching staff when it comes to implementing technology within the classroom. Many teachers are not able to identify the resources that have available or the technology based professional development offered by the school district. We would like to make sure that teachers are given a set of tools to help them when incorporating technology within their classroom learning environments.

Addresses professional development designed to improve the gathering, analysis and use of data from a variety of sources:

· Provide all staff personnel with a list of resources and its educational purpose.

· Provide all staff personnel with a support network of individuals that are responsible for certain technology areas. These individuals will support classroom teachers with any issues they are having with software, internet, video streaming, and technology devices.

· Technology representative will develop monthly professional development courses to help teaching staff members to address areas of technology skills.

o Example: Many teachers want to incorporate PowerPoint opportunities for their students to use within the classroom, but aren’t sure how to present a lesson objectives and expectations to their students. The technology representative will provide a professional development course about PowerPoint and how to use it effectively within the classroom setting.

· Create an action plan that incorporates technology use within intervention strategies and techniques to raise the level of student understanding and achievement.

· Survey students about the benefits of technology within their learning. Also we would like to receive student input as to how they would like to use technology within the classroom to help them learn and communicate with their peers.

· Use technology to monitor student growth, achievement, and response to intervention techniques and strategies.

Includes professional development to improve decision making in the integration of technology with instructional and organizational leadership:

The principal along with instructional staff members and classroom teachers will form a committee to address the following needs, issues, and or concerns:

· Professional development opportunities to address the frequency requirements of student and teacher technology use.

· Professional development opportunities to provide teachers will examples of what a technology integrated lesson looks like through the role of the teacher as well as the student.

· Professional development opportunities to address materials and resources that need to made readily available for school use, and to who would have access to the technology materials.