Friday, July 16, 2010

The Use of Action Research:

Becoming an administrative leader seems to be a dounting task when you think about the many hats you must were in order to get the job done. Even still, with every effort made, you might find that some things may not turn out the way you anticipated due to lack of resources, personnel, and or appropriate research. However, implementing an action research process into you daily task, will untimately save you a lot of let down and unanswered questions.
Action research is a process by which one is able to gain insights into the a wondering by collecting data to, analyzing data, making improvements in practice based on what was learned, and sharing learning with others (Dana, 2009). Thus the administrative leader is able to make a more rationalized decision when implimenting school-wide change, evaluating the effectiveness of academic intervention programs, and utilizing all available resources in the most effective and efficient manner.
As a result, I have learned that the decision making and evaluation process I must employ daily in order to become an effective principal must utilize some form of action research. I have also learned that through accurate researching strategies and use of expert practitioners, I too can demonstrate to others inside as well as outside; how to take the necessary steps in ensuring that I recognize and am involved in my campus on a level that is beneficial to the success of my school organization and ultimately student successes.

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